Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Dipped, battered and FRIED! Is it just a Southern thing?

Living on a perfect portion of deep fried food is just another day in the neighborhood in Laurel, MS. Well, that's how I was raised anyway... 


One of my favorite fried dishes is from my sweet mothers kitchen: pan fried crispy pork chops with gravy. Of course, the side dishes would have to include buttered mashed potatoes with sweet peas and Jiffy cornbread. Oh yeah, and don't forget about a cold glass of sweet tea. This my friends is not something that you would devour while watching your caloric intake, since I am certain the mashed potatoes alone are filled with the entire allotment for one day. Let's just say this, my mom and Paula Dean have at least one similarity, their love for BUTTER! Like they say...butter makes everything better.  

When I was young and still living at home, mom would make this meal often. I can remember sitting at the kitchen table eagerly waiting for the bits and pieces of fried batter to be dropped onto the plate. It would last just long enough to absorb a few drops of grease before it hit my mouth. My entire family would actually fight over who got the next piece. Ummmm, Crispy fried batter with the perfect portion of salt and pepper, ahhh, I can taste it now.

Another Southern favorite that stands out in my mind is fried green tomatoes...

I have eaten fried green tomatoes in many many restaurants, but I would have to say that my most favorite place to eat these delightful "green maters" is in Vicksburg, MS at Rusty's River Front Grill. Rusty's tops their tomatoes with a great hollandaise sauce and lump crab meat, and they do NOT disappoint. Ohhh la la...Perfection!!!

My list of favorite Southern foods is endless, and that is why I am in such a dilemma. Overweight, out of shape, lack of energy and high cholesterol are all signs that I need to change my diet and way of thinking, but why don't I take control of it? Why isn't there an urgency?

And so it goes... This issue has been a cloud over my head for most of my life, but like I said, fried foods and sweet tea go hand in hand when you're raised in the South. I don't really notice how bad my diet is until I venture out of Jones County. I am not saying that everyone in Jones County eats like this, but there is an abundance of people that do...from all walks of life. Can you relate? 

Instead of eating healthy 90% of the time and splurging, within reason, 10% of the time, it is safe to say that I have spiraled in to quite the opposite. In fact, the majority of us Southerners are guilty guilty guilty of this crime.

While traveling to various places I have noticed that there are people who actually practice self control. They love food but make more heath conscience decisions. They choose health over taste. How can I reprogram my mind to eat healthy all of the time...well, at least majority of the time!?! Why is this "eating healthy thing" such a hard task to overcome?!? 

I would love to get an idea of the healthy menus that you prepare on a weekly basis for your family or for yourself. I need fast and easy... especially since I have no children and a husband that works out of town often. My goal is to NOT stop for fast food.

I need snack ideas and easy menu recipes...help a sister out!

While I will never stop eating Southern foods, I would like to expand my pallet and take a break from such fatty recipes. I would love to hear from you... If it is a hit, I will be sure to give credit where credit it due.


1 comment:

  1. That ratio should be 90% healthy/10% splurge???? Oh wow, I am so in trouble!
