Saturday, August 15, 2015

My Perfectly Imperfect Life

This past year and a half has been filled with ups and downs, happiness and sadness and life changing moments that will forever be engraved in my mind. Without the love and support of my family, true friends, and God's unfailing love, I don't know where I'd be. I am so thankful that they love me...even at my worst.  In the midst of it all, I am so blessed. When the days and nights of this perfectly imperfect life come and go, I am determined to keep the faith and stand firm in my walk with Christ. With Him, I have no fear and my strength comes from knowing that God will constantly be by my side through it all. 

She is clothed in strength and dignity and she laughs without fear of the future. 

~Proverbs 31:25

Often times, I find myself focusing on the things of this world or worrying about the things that cannot be changed. However, I have found that it is more beneficial to embrace my flaws, accept them and use them as life lessons which in turn will challenge me, teach me and mold me in to what God has planned for my life. Maybe the lessons that I have learned can be used to benefit someone else that is going through a difficult time. 

God has a reason for allowing things to happen. We may never understand His wisdom, but we simply have to trust His will. 

~ Psalm 37:5

Instead of focusing on all of the negative things, the things that I cannot control and the things that bring me down, I will focus on the many blessings that God has given to me. While these aren't the ONLY blessings, they play a huge role in my life and I am eternally grateful for them. 

When he and I started "going out" in 7th grade, I never knew what the future would hold, but I am happy to say that he and I have been married for 13 years this year, July 20, 2015. We've literally grown up together and have experienced many highs and lows, but I can honestly say that I love him more today than the day that we became one. It's been tough, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. 

My mother and her boyfriend, Big D  - It's nice to see two people, who've been through so much, smile and laugh and enjoy life together. It's refreshing and sweet.  
My wonderful siblings. They make me laugh and cut loose... and sometimes snort.
My first and only nephew, Tristan Ray. He always brings a smile to my face. He can sing like a bird and gives really good hugs.

The newest addition, Baby Tessa. She has grown so much over the past year, and I just love watching her laugh and giggle at her big brother, Tristan. Her kisses are pretty good too. 

Baby T and Momma are always so pretty, but this picture just makes me smile. This is a true picture of Mimi's love right here. She is one of the most compassionate people that I know. She loves her children and her grandchildren and is so supportive of all of us. She can cook a mean Sunday lunch and refuses to let us leave empty-handed. Without her, I wouldn't be who I am today. Love you!

This is my Mother in Law, Mamma Phyll and her mother MawMaw Walker. These ladies are just wonderful and have taken me in as their own. I guess after twenty or so years of being in their life, they didn't really have a choice. Haha!

This little fella has my heart, and I just love this picture. He looks just like his daddy and his "Pappa in Heaven", my daddy, Dennis Ray.
The Walley's: Matt, KK and RK Wah...with Pinky. They are always so fun to be around and have taught me to laugh, love and enjoy the little things in life. I am so excited about the newest addition in February and CANNOT wait to find out the gender, although I really just pray for a healthy baby. (It's a GIRL, you wait and see.)

The Phillips Family - Bubba, Crys, Trip and Baby T
They continue to amaze me with their parenting abilities and have shown me what it means to be strong, determined, compassionate, forgiving and loving. Parenting a child with special needs was not what their original plans were, but God has shown them how to parent a child with autism and continues to guide them every step of the way. This sweet family is so special to me.

This little "Arabian Cutie" is the boss, until Tristan puts her in her place, and I had the pleasure of watching her experience her first community theater show this summer, Aladdin. She was such a trooper and loves the's safe to say that she's ready for more! She told me last week that she can't wait to get big enough to dance on my stage. (I'm a show choir director.)
I absolutely love this picture... He is a hard working, stubborn, strong willed, tender hearted man that has held me at my weakest moments, laughed with me (and sometimes at me), and does so much for me and the girls (our 2 furry, little, four legged children). He's a good one, tater!
Gracie, she's been a Hodge for a little over three years now and I am so happy that my friend decided to give her to me.  She's my outgoing little furry baby that loves sandwich meat, Cheetos and sleeping on her back. She's rotten if you didn't already pick up on that.

The three amigos... Momma Phyl, Rick and Marv. (and Hollyanna).  It's always nice when they visit the Hodge Lodge. Marv is one of the strongest guys that I know and you'd never believe the things that he has had to endure in his life. He is a cancer survivor among many other things and is just a great guy with a great attitude. We love y'all! 

Pappa Hodge AKA Farmer Hodge - I've taken the babies to his house a couple of times because he has a few animals that they just love to feed and pet. Since then, I call him Farmer Hodge. He is a smart guy that usually has an answer for everything... If he doesn't know how to do it, he'll find a way. He loves his boys and me, and I'm so proud to have him around. When Richard is away and something is wrong, he's usually the first person I look to for help.  

Mr. Rick - While I don't get to see him nearly as much as I'd like, I always enjoy his visits. He's a compassionate, soft spoken, hard working fella that is clever at giving gifts. He certainly keeps me on my toes. Also, he has a great sense of humor. I know this because his cards are ALWAYS hilarious and perfect. 

My sweet little Hollyanna. She is shy and skittish, but loves to cuddle and sleep with her daddy. She has a spunky side once she's outdoors and refuses to walk on a leash. Rotten! Her favorite food is sandwich meat but she can eat her weight in baked chicken.

I say all of that to say this... God has placed me (you) on this earth for a reason. If we constantly pick out the bad things in life, we are losing sight of why we are here. Look, there is always going to be something to get mad about, gripe about, complain about, worry about, etc. Don't! Try to find the good in all things. Look for the bigger picture. There is enough evil in this world, don't contribute to that. My life is no where near perfect, but if I focus on the bad, I would be blinded by my misery, missing out on all of life's blessings. Life is too short to miss out on the blessings of this life. 

Give it all to GOD! Through the good and the bad, thank Him for His love, mercy, and grace. 

God says your gonna make it!  

Thank you LORD, for all that you've done and continue to do in my life. Bless those who read this and guide them to live their lives for your works! Blessed are those who see beautiful things in humble places where other people see nothing.

God Bless YOU and God Bless America! 

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