Saturday, February 28, 2015

Cooking is something that I rarely have time to do these days, especially when show choir season is in full swing. My husband works in North Dakota with a 28 /14 rotation, so I find it very difficult to justify spending a lengthy amount of time in the kitchen for just myself. Recently, (after looking at my 2014 credit card food purchases) I was shocked to see how much I had spent on food. Y'all, it gets pricey! The ease of fast food has certainly been something for which I have indulged and enjoyed greatly, but I have really found myself drained...and more than just from the pocketbook if you get my drift.

After New Year's Eve, I decided that I would challenge myself to quit a particular "bad habit" for every month of this year. In January, I stopped drinking sweet tea - Southern style (sugar with your tea). In February, I refrained from drinking soft drinks and limited my consumption of sweet tea. In March, I plan to add exercise to my daily regimen while continuing to abstain from soft drinks. I truly believe that with small changes come great rewards. The challenges that I have set for myself are short term, obtainable goals that are challenging but not impossible. I suppose this is my take on a "New Year's Resolution" except that my resolution changes every month.

In addition to these changes, I have also started cooking and cooking healthier.!?! Since free time is something that I rarely have these days, I decided to look in to a food service.  I happened upon this service in January and decided to give it a try. I cannot tell you how much I LOVE getting my menu and food in the mail. That's right, NO GROCERY STORE visits. The only items I need to have on hand are milk, Olive Oil and butter. This is sounding better and better, isn't it? This new way of cooking is very different than what I have ever experienced and it has truly changed the way that I eat and has taught me to cook differently. If you too are looking for this type of service, I highly recommend Hello Fresh. Everything is fresh, organic and healthy!! Also, the menu is very easy to prepare and every recipe that I have cooked has been different and delish!

I feel that this change in my diet and awareness of the changes in my energy level, have given me a greater understanding that "you are what you eat." While I have a LONG way to go, I am beginning to understand that I CAN make small choices that impact my life in a great way without going on a yoyo diet.

I have created a Facebook Page.... The Challenge: Healthy and Lean in 2015. This page discusses the challenges that each member will face for each month of the year. It is also a great support for those who like to work in groups. If you are interested, please join me. What are you waiting for?

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