Tuesday, February 23, 2016

A Baby Changes Everything

As the years go by, I find myself even more thankful to have little nephews and nieces to spoil and love. They are truly a testament of how miraculous our God is. Never in a million years did I ever imagine becoming a Gigi to four healthy, beautiful, loving babies: Tristan Ray, Raylee Kate, Tessa Jaymes and Matthew Latrell. I knew what love was before having them, but I never knew the kind of love I would feel for them once they arrived. I've been told by both the Walley's and the Phillips' that this is it... no more babies. So, one can only dream of divine intervention (insert big eyed emoji), right? HAHA! 

All things are possible if you believe. Mark 9:23

Without further ado... Please welcome Baby Trell. Weighing in at a whopping 8 pounds and 5 ounces, 21 inches long, and beautiful skin. Born on February 15th, 2016. What a cutie!

Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. Before you were born, I set you apart. Jeremiah 1:5


Big Sister was super excited too! Heck, we all were! Congratulations to The WALLEY'S. 

When asked if she was excited, I think her words were "I'm just so excited that he's finally here!!!" and "It's just a miracle! I'm just so excited!!" What a sweetie! 
I just know that she's going to be a great big sis. 

She loves her Gigi, Uncle Rick and all of our furry babies... and she's convinced that she's gonna take piano lessons at Gigi's house someday soon. Hahaha! 
That is, if she can put the furry babies down long enough. 
She is going to be 7 years old this August. Let me grab my tissue now! 

The Walley's...FAMILY OF FOUR!!!!  

And I can't show off my newest addition without adding my other babies too...

This sassy thing just recently was entered in her second pageant and did an outstanding job, receiving a crown in her division. Of course, she looks beautiful any day of the week, so that is a given. With family and onlookers, sister just wanted her daddy, Uncle Chew and a little nap. Everything was just fine after that. Hahaha! She is a firecracker and a little diva in training... and she adores her big brother, that's for sure. I'm so happy to call her mine. She's just now starting to talk and gives good sugar. Oh, and I can assure you that Gigi is part of her vocab. Ha! 

She was a year old last October. 

This big fella pulled his front tooth just a few days ago, by himself. If dad were here, he would have placed that tooth in an envelope and wrote these words: "Tristan's front tooth that he pulled himself. He was so strong and brave"... that's what he always wrote on our envelopes. Miss that man everyday, but I know that he's watching over all of his babies.

This little fella is one of a kind and I'm so happy to call him mine. His hugs are hypnotizing and his smile is contagious. When he calls me Gigi, my heart melts. And, did I mention that he loves to sing?!? 

 He's getting TOO BIG! Time, please slow down. 
He's going to be 8 in August! Say whaaaaat!? 

Gigi's heart is FULL!!!!! 
Thank you Jesus for your many blessings.