Saturday, October 20, 2012

Blessed and Highly Favored

 Being born and raised in South Mississippi comes with its perks...front porch swinging, sweet tea drinkin' and sweet southern hospitality. As I sit here on the front porch in this beautiful Mississippi weather, many things go through my mind. I begin reflecting on my childhood, and I am convinced that I had it made! I was RICH... not with money, but with LOVE.

      I grew up in a Christian home with parents that loved one another unconditionally. Often times they would go without, so that my siblings and I could have all of the things we needed. I am so appreciative of the morals and values in which I was raised. My parents taught me how to love, laugh, give to others, work hard ...the list goes on and on. It breaks my heart when I see children who are not being loved and taken care of properly, and It seems like this type of behavior is happening all to often.  More and more grandparents are taking on the roles of mom and dad simply because this generation seems to be so self absorbed and fixated on "me, me, me" that they have little or no time to take care of anything or anyone else. It makes me furious!! I just want to take these precious children home with me, and give them the life that I was given. I want to give them a chance to become whatever their hearts desire. Oh well, I will save that speech for another time and another place.

 As I was and dad were always doing for us, so that we could have more growing up than they did. It was very common for mom to have supper cooked every night. We sat around the table and actually talked, laughed and shared stories. Breakfast was usually a blur, but every morning, mom would have it ready for us....provided we got up in a timely manner. If you know my family, punctuality is a work in progress.

     After a long day at school, we knew dad would be at home, waiting to greet us with a big hug. He gave the BEST hugs. He was the type of dad that knew how to have fun AND knew when to put you in your place. He was a dad first and a friend second. Being a dad was something he enjoyed, and he was one of a kind. I miss him every single day. October 25, 2006 is the day that will forever be engraved in my heart and soul. He is greatly missed, but I know that he is pain free in the arms of Jesus Christ, and that makes me happy. As sad as it is that he is not with me anymore, I am so blessed to have called him DAD. There are so many children who miss out on this special gift.

     As for mom, well, she never skipped a beat...still doesnt. When it comes to her babies, she is obsessed. I didn't know it at the time, but her drive and dedication helped to mold my sister, brother and me in to hard working, productive and compassionate people. I do not know how she was able to juggle all of her "jobs," but she did it without complaining. After working all day, she would come to our games or events, make sure that supper was on the table, homework was completed, and clothes were washed. Long after we were in bed, she would continue doing all of the things that kept the house in order...even if it meant sacrificing sleep that she so deserved. She would continue to do what she did best, take care of us.

     My dad and mom, Dennis and Marsha Phillips, are my inspiration! I cannot put in to words how thankful I am to have them in my life. Thank you for making my childhood what it should have been. It was fun, memorable, innocent, unpredictable, safe, and full of unconditional love. If it weren't for their love, guidance, and dedication, I know that I would not be where I am today.

   My family, as wild and crazy as they are, are my heart and soul. I cant imagine going through life without them. If you have unresolved issues with your family, my prayer is that you get things right. Life is to short to hold grudges or try to let pride get in the way of a relationship with the ones you love. Family is such an important part of life: make amends, apologize for your wrongdoings, forgive and forget, accept sincere apologies and leave the past where it the past!

My family roots are firmly planted here in South Mississippi, and while life may throw me lemons from time to time, I will continue to make lemonade, because I am to blessed to be stressed.

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